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You are in: Products | VPS/VPS Hosting

Our VPS/VDS Server Information

Average Server Uptime: 99.995%
Network Uptime: 100%
Min. Server specs: Intel Xeon Quad Core with 8GB RAM

You can now choose where you want your VPS/VDS to be hosted in:

Currently our VPS/VDS plans are only available in the following Data Center: Dallas, Seattle, Washington D.C.
Available again soon: Denmark & Singapore (if you definitely need your VPS to be hosted in these DC, contact us to check availability )


Dedicated server at a fraction of the price. Great for hosting websites that are more server resources intensive. VPS / VDS allow you full ROOT access and VPS / VDS is isolated from other accounts on the server.

cPanel VPS/VDS Hosting

Our cPanel VPS plans are for users who love the feature rich and intuitiveness of cPanel control panel. cPanel is the most popular control panel in the web hosting industry and you can add Fantastico or RVskin to your cPanel VPS too.

cPanel VPS is excellent for web hosting resellers. You can create your customers hosting account within your cPanel VPS.

DirectAdmin VPS/VDS Hosting

DirectAdmin control panel is "light weight" yet with enough features to let you get by with your day to day administration of your VPS account. It consumes less server resources then cPanel so it frees up more server resources for your web site.

Best for single website or for resellers whom do not need all the fancy features cPanel has to offer.

Webmin VPS/VDS Hosting

Systems Administrators? Developers? Geeks? This VPS is for you.

Choose your Operating System, install your own packages, customize anything and everything. Webmin VPS is everything advanced users want in a VPS, and nothing more.Why pay extra for memory-intensive control panel interfaces if you know it all?

Webmin VPS is not for the faint of heart and most administration will need to be performed from the command line. Definitely not for users who are less incline with linux.

Just VPS/VDS Hosting

Systems Administrators? Developers? Geeks? This VPS is for you.

Choose your Operating System, install your own packages, customize anything and everything. Our no-control panel VPS is everything advanced users want in a VPS, and nothing more. Why pay extra for memory-intensive control panel interfaces if you know it all?

This VPS account is not for the faint of heart and most administration will need to be performed from the command line. Definitely not for users who are less incline with linux.


What is a Virtual Server?

Also referred to as a Virtual Dedicated Server, a VPS (Virtual Private Server) empowers you with the flexibility and freedom of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost. Unlike shared hosting which uses a single file system shared by all users, a VPS, like a dedicated server, resides in private environment with its own independent operating system, web server, mail server, and software instances. Flexihostings's VPS plans give businesses the reliability, scalability, and security of hosting on an enterprise-quality dedicated server. With root access, you have full control. You can install any software or make practically any OS-level configuration change.


Why VPS and not Shared Hosting?

Full Root Access & ability to install customised script.
Define the server environment for customer.
Dedicated mail, MySQL, FTP, http server.
Dedicated Outgoing MailServer IP.
Isolated and protected from other domain on the server which may be abusing the server or overusing server resources.


Experience these great reseller hosting features for yourself!
Why choose Flexihostings as your VPS/VDS Provider?
Free 24/7 monitoring and Free SMS or Email alert.
Trusted remote hands available to assist you in emergency (Fee applies).
Backed by a team of experienced system and technical engineers who have vast experience in managing publicly accessible servers and has ample of hands-on experience to rectify and prevent hackers, technical failure and contingency planning.
Email server, Backup server, File server, Test / staging server, Game server, Groupware server, Back up dns server, Chat server, Backup helpdesk, Service monitoring server, Streaming server, Calendaring server, Busy forum, Popular website, Private anti spam & virus server, Tomcat server.